Monday, January 31, 2011

Coupon #2 - Safeway $5 off $50 purchase

Went to Safeway with dear BF to pick up a few things on Thursday as the cupboards were nearly bare and he needed to pack a lunch for work the next day.

Knowing we'd be back on Tuesday to really stock up, since the first Tuesday of every month is Safeway's "Customer Appreciation Day" where you can save 10% (or get 10x the Air Miles), I told him we were only going to spend $50 in order to use the coupon (and still get the equivalent of 10% off).

We parted ways at the deli counter, and met up at the produce section.  I realized that the week's specials were ending (Safeway now has their flyer specials starting on Fridays) and asked him to pick up a few of the  Campbell's Chunky soup (on sale 3 for $5, limit of 6). Bad mistake. He grabbed nine (9!) so of course three were rung in at the regular price (expensive). Arrghh!  by this time there was a really long lineup behind us, so I said nothing and let it go.  The bill came to over $100 (so much for 10% off!) and the only positive thing I could think of was that luckily we weren't being charged five cents per bag. Otherwise it would have been adding insult to injury.

Sidebar:  There is a 5-cent plastic bag levy everywhere, with two exceptions:  Safeway does not charge anything, while Thrifty Foods will give you a 3-cent discount for every bag you bring with you.

E-book savings this trip:  $5.00
Cumulative savings:  $8.89

Score of the day:  I had a $7.00 off Airwick i-motion starter kit, and Safeway had it on sale for $7.99, which means I bought a cool new toy (I mean necessity for the bathroom) for 99 cents!

p.s.  Make sure you take the 10% discount on Customer Appreciation Day at Safeway on Tuesday. (The 10x Air Miles is not worth nearly as much as the discount.)

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